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Connecting Classrooms, iEARN Central American Teachers Workshop

Updated: Sep 3, 2019

Connecting Classrooms, iEARN Central American Teachers Workshop
Society for International Education in collaboration with Partners of Americas and iEARN USA is leading a series of teachers training workshop around Central American Countries. The first one kicked off today at the in Costa Rica hosted by Nuestra Senara Lourdes School with 17 teachers participated in the day long session. iEARN Pakistan team designed a set of excellent training materials that can be adapted and replicated for integrating iEARN online collaborative projects in the classrooms. “The sessions have opened up possibilities for integrating technology in classrooms” said Ms.Yaudy, National Advisor of English. “Reach me if you want to teach me” was the buzzing phrase at the workshop. The Country Director, iEARN Pakistan lead the sessions covering the basics of 21st Century Learning and introduced iEARN Online Collaborative Projects to achieve curricular goals. Teachers enjoyed exploring the projects forums, interacted with peers online and selected the projects to integrate in the curriculum they are teaching. Partners of the Americas, founded by US President John F. Kennedy, connects people and organizations in the Americas to serve and change lives through personal friendships and lasting partnerships. Partners has an alliance with iEARN-USA to connect classrooms in the Americas with each other and the world. SIE (Society for International Education), is Pakistan based non profit organization is leading the iEARN-Pakistan programs successfully for two decades.

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