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Intercultural Competence Seminar and Cultural Exhibition

Access students celebrated Intercultural Competence Seminar and Cultural Exhibition on 15th October 2018 at SIE office. Ms. Susan Ross, Cultural Attaché and Ms. Aisha, English Language Programs Coordinator, U.S. Consulate, Karachi joined the Access students and appreciated their efforts. Access students prepared Pakistani and American cultural exhibitions such as Rushmore Mountains, Statue of Liberty, Jefferson Memorial, posters of famous American Presidents and social activists and provided briefing to the guests from U.S. Consulate. They also prepared exhibit on Quid-e-Azam’s Tomb, Minar-e-Pakistan, posters and cultural attire of various aspects of Pakistani culture such as Sindh, Baluchistan, the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Access students conducted the entire session in which they presented on ‘Cultural Stereotypes’ and had an interactive session with the peers and the guests. A lovely energizer on how to peel a banana was also conducted by the students. Cultural Attaché, Ms. Susan had an interactive session with the Access students where the students shared their journey of Access and how this experience is benefitting them and contributing to their lives and their future goals. They also discussed and asked questions related to American and Pakistani culture. At the end of the session the Access students and guests had a group photo. The students also had selfies with the guests.

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